Ision-making regarding their children’s health care needs, including vaccination. Results
- Rua: Rudower Chaussee 63
- Cidade: Gladbeck
- Estado: Rio Grande do Sul
- País: Brasil
- CEP: 45968
- Últimos itens listados 03/08/2021 14:31
- Expira em: 8738 Dias, 14 Horas
Ision-making regarding their children’s health care needs, including vaccination. Results A total of 73.8 of children had visited a complementary medicine (CM) practitioner (48.3 ) or used a CM product (68.5 ) in the previous 12 months. Many children had also consulted a general practitioner (89.9 ), community health nurse (31.29 ), paediatrician (30.3 ), and other medical specialist (38.8 ). Children had also visited a naturopath/herbalist (30.4 ), chiropractor (18.4 ), homeopath (11.6 ), nutritionist (6.8 ) or traditional Chinese medicine practitioner (8.2 ) and 52 of parents did not disclose the use of CM to their primary health care physician. A high number of children (35.6 ) were not vaccinated with safety concerns being the most common reason (76.6 ). Naloxegol oxalate – Visits to a CM practitioner (OR 0.16; CI 0.07, 0.36; PubMed ID: – p PubMed ID: integrative approach to chemo- and radiotherapy. Electromagnetic field and the concomitant heat (
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